End of the year reflections with Chauna Bryant from Breathwork Liberation Society

Get a peak behind the curtain of two breathwork businesses at the end of the year. In this episode, Amy is joined by one of her biz besties - Chauna Bryant - to have an open conversation reflecting on the past year in each of their businesses and looking forward towards the next year.

They reflect on these five questions:

  1. What word or phrase would you use to describe 2022 in your business?

  2. Where did you spend the majority of your time and energy in your business last year?

  3. What’s the biggest lesson learned last year?

  4. What’s something that you can take a step back from? What’s something you want to engage more with next year?

  5. Goal setting: Were those goals really that important? How do you want to set goals going forward?

  6. What would a successful 2023 look like?

Learn more about Chauna at https://www.chaunabryant.com/

Chauna Bryant is a Breathwork Meditation facilitator, Pilates, and GYROTONIC® Instructor, and founder of Breath Liberation Society. She is dedicated to body and mind rejuvenation. With 15 years of experience, Chauna assists her clients in cultivating their mind, body, and breath alignment. She revolutionizes her multiple practices by integrating her multiple expertise into enriching client-specific experiences. Dedicated Pilates clients will cultivate stronger, leaner bodies while benefiting from breath-activating energy work with her methods. Participants in her private, group, and corporate Breathwork Meditation sessions benefit from her multifaceted experience and singular approach. When possible, Chauna offers Virtual breathing circles at inclusive pricing: a sliding scale pay structure and scholarships are available. You can catch her free, guided Breathwork Meditations on YouTube, InsightTimer, and InstagramTV.

Links and resources:

Join the Breathe Into Business Patreon to get access to the community Discord server, live events like group coworking, plus the private podcast feed with interviews, breathwork recordings, and more.

Join us there for a daily breathwork challenge this holiday season AND for a year-ahead virtual retreat live event on Jan 2nd-3rd with breathwork, journaling, goal setting, business planning, tarot chats, somatic practices, and more!

Record a question for us to answer here on the podcast!

Find transcripts to all my episodes here.

To learn more about Amy, head to amykuretsky.com

Try breathwork for 5 days and see how your business benefits

  • [0:04] Welcome to breathe into business a podcast for folks who want to hear what it's really like to run an intuitive lead business,

    I'm your host Amy kuretsky a breath work facilitator who helps service providers.

    Creators and artists tap into their own inner knowing so that they can run businesses from a place of trust and self-confidence.

    I created this podcast to help folks like you.

    Who are disillusioned with the / culture of online small business building to permission yourself to follow a different path.

    In these episodes you'll hear conversations that are,

    messy and even a little bit scary at times my biggest hope is that each of these episodes helps you feel even 10% more confident in leaning into what your intuition is sharing with you and doing business your own way.

    [0:53] Let's take a breath and talk business.

    Hey y'all and welcome back to breathe into business this is a me your host and I'm

    really it really thrilled to share this conversation with you today I,

    I was originally planning on doing an interview with my friend and past client chauna Bryant but kind of at the last minute I changed it up and decided I think we should have a,

    friend to friend business owner to business owner end-of-the-year conversation to kind of,

    reflect on the year past and look forward a bit into the year future because these are the sort of conversations that Shauna and I have,

    a lot of the time together and I thought it'd be kind of fun to give you a peek behind the curtain

    some of the things that have been going on in our own businesses and some of the questions that we like to reflect on each and every year.

    [1:56] And since it's the start of a new year might be a good time for you to reflect on some of these questions yourself either you know journaling or maybe having a conversation with your own biz bestie whatever works for you

    so I'm going to tell you a little bit more about chauna

    chauna Bryant is a breathwork meditation facilitator a Pilates and Gyro tonics instructor and the founder of breath Liberation Society

    she is dedicated to body and mind rejuvenation,

    with 15 years of experience chauna assists her clients in cultivating their mind body and breath alignment she revolutionizes her multiple practices by integrating her multiple expertise has

    into enriching client specific experiences.

    Dedicated Pilates clients will cultivate stronger leaner bodies while benefiting from breath activating energy work with her methods.

    Participants in her private group and corporate breathwork meditation sessions benefit from her multifaceted experience and singular approach.

    One possible chauna offers virtual breathing circles at inclusive pricing a sliding scale pay structure and scholarships are always available.

    You can catch her free guided breathwork meditations on YouTube insight timer and Instagram TV.

    And before we get into this episode I'm going to give you one big caveat.

    [3:17] And that's this I did the total rookie a podcaster move of forgetting to plug in my really nice podcasting Mike before we press record,

    can you believe it so here I am having this whole amazing conversation that was just so good at that

    it wasn't worth re-recording it because it's so Good by itself in its first take.

    [3:46] With using my air pods as my microphone which is the exact thing that I remind

    all of my interview he's not to do so like it was a real big moment of like oh shit as soon as I realized it,

    but I'm using this as an opportunity to let you know or to not let perfect be the enemy of good,

    and two.

    [4:13] Be here imperfections and all you can still hear what I'm saying the sound quality just isn't as good as I would ideally like it to be so thanks for bearing with me and enjoy this episode all right bye y'all.

    [4:29] Okay so chauna I just read your very professional sounding bio to everybody so they should all know who you are now but is there any other way that you want to like name yourself into this.


    [4:42] No I mean it's funny I had my I had my bio written professionally like a year ago and I,

    in writing it I kept like changing some of the bigger words and making it sound a little more me so now I think it's kind of a bio that's a little part me some part business so it's pretty accurate I don't I'm trying to think of any things change.


    Well I guess you'll have an updated one so nothing's changed I think that's that's me that's who I am welcome I'm Shana you use she/her pronouns amazing I'll name you into the space as like someone

    I would consider one of my like business besties because I feel like we are always like.

    Texting back and forth or something like emails and I like OMG what is going on like trying to get each other's advice for thing so that's why you're here to have this conversation today.

    Now I totally agree definitely a business bestie I was thinking about my hole.

    Like how I do things and I feel like most of the time I Google it then I try and watch a YouTube video then I have like three group text messages that I plug into and I'm like does anyone know how to do ax and you are.

    Nine times out of ten the person that chimes in with oh just click blah blah blah blah and then this and this and this and then you have some secret resume that I didn't know about where you're like I actually did Consulting for that company 10 years ago like it's this whole thing with you baby.

    [6:05] I love it so well this is why we are here today because you know I didn't you're actually first off I'm going to say that Shauna is a fucking rock star because.

    Control less than 24 hours ago she thought she was getting on this podcast today to have an interview like in a more traditional interview sense and then literally last night I texted her being like so

    I think what we actually need to do is just have more of one of our legs on Biz that see conversations that you like okay cool I'm game and then no joke like,

    thirty minutes ago I texted her and I was like

    so actually I think what we need to do is have like an end of the year beginning of the year reflection conversation and she's like okay great I'm game and so you're a fucking rock star for just like going with the flow of my wild ideas.

    I love wild ideas I'm totally here for it I think that these conversations are honestly a little bit easier for me than the very like.

    [6:59] Say something profound conversation so I was a little bit was I'll be honest.

    Go over Amy's questions has been on my to-do list for,

    a solid week and I do it yet so you're great your message last night came right on time as I was like all right great

    we were like on the same wavelength here perfect I will also say that another fun fact about Shana and I are that we are astrological,

    twins almost we both have a lot of we owe and a lot of Capricorn

    and our Tarts and we were only born like 10 days apart or something and so we have a lot of similarities in our astrological charts which is I think one of the reasons why we love each other so much,

    I totally agree I think it's like the fire and the total like bluntness that makes me love you more each day look just.

    [7:56] Perfect I love it too okay so for those of you who are listening we're like okay so what are you what are the two of you actually going to do today if you're not having an interview well the answer to that is that we are going to have

    kind of a fun conversation about you know

    the end of this last year so what our businesses have moved through over the last year I kind of pulled out some like reflection questions I like to ask myself at the end of each year and instead of doing those on my own with like a journal I thought,

    to see this as a fun conversation with on it today so we're going to talk about our businesses over the last year and if any of these questions that we go over really resonate with any of you,

    feel free to write them down and have your own little bit testy conversation with one of your,

    business funds I know that we're recording this right now before the end of the year and you're going to be listening to this right at the start of the new year but like.

    [8:52] You know time is an illusion dates don't really matter like who cares that it's like tasks the first of the year it's all good you can have this conversation whenever.

    And I know if you're hearing any of the background noise of the plows because it snowed like 8 inches yesterday so there are plows going to up my street all of the time right now,

    okay should we start by taking a nice deep breath before we get started today sure.

    So a lot out all the air from you take a nice deep breath when the base of your spine all the way up.

    [9:31] Remember that go.

    [9:35] Kind of giving us a nice moment to the ground before we get into reflection mode okay so chauna I am curious.

    [9:45] How would you kind of describe your last year like if you could choose a word or a phrase to encapsulate what 20:22 was for your business like what would you say.

    If I could describe my business and 2022 I have two words and one is build

    because I am still very much in the build phase and then the second is Discovery I learned a lot about.

    How to run a business I learned a lot about how I run a business I learned a lot about myself as a business owner those are separate conversations yeah it's been it's been a really eye-opening year.

    [10:28] I feel like you are always building something like I would almost use the word builder as like,

    content descriptor for you it's like yeah you are technically still in this build stays like for those of you who aren't super familiar with Shauna's work you know she's been in the wellness

    and face for years and years and years but is currently more in an educational role as you've grown breathwork Liberation Society,

    but if you like Builder is such a natural extension of like who you are as a person.

    It is and you have to wait until we get down to the questions of like what am I pulling back from because we're going to go back to building no I.

    I have this is I've been trying to figure out a way to say this humbly but like I have good ideas,

    I'm I love talking to other people and I am in no way a business advisor or coach at all but I love listening to other people and their businesses and.

    Exploring different ways that they can expand and finding different angles and so you can only imagine what it's like in my head on a daily basis when I'm coming up with like six different new ideas and.

    I'm proud of that and I love what I've created but I do think I need to slow down a tiny bit.

    Yeah it's not like okay we can have lots and lots of ideas but then how do we.

    [11:47] Really differentiate and prioritize like what we want to take action on because like both you and I are both like this where like if we actually.

    Took action on all of the ideas we had we wouldn't basically beg like we're going to be working all the time yeah yeah yeah totally.

    Yeah for me I decided

    this last year called unpredictable with that was the word that came up for me when I was sitting like this like it was unpredictable in a lot of ways where.

    You know I sifted parts of my coaching business about a year ago and.

    [12:28] And it wasn't that long ago it was only maybe like a year almost two years ago now is that I really pause my business altogether when I had surgery and like luck things kind of like restart in its own way and so I still kind of feel like I'm getting,

    every day I'm getting a little bit clearer about what my business wants to become but in.

    [12:48] In letting that Vision develop and come to life there's been a lot of changes a lot of,

    build a little Whiplash in time a lot of like unpredictability and I don't know like you know my clients would say that or you know people out here listening would say that it felt unpredictable but internally like inside my body is also unpredictable which.

    I'll just say that my Capricorn rising did not like that at all like you know just like you you're a Capricorn rising or you know you want that to structure I like that structure and so but unpredictability felt really hard.

    [13:25] I think also like theirs.

    But it was the thing that I think about when we're talking about running a Spirit Led business and I think you and I both struggle with this where it's like we are getting messages and download

    it's like the idea is we're getting these ideas all the time I'm getting messages I'm getting downloads like oh I should be doing this and not showing from like a,

    you know should like shitting on myself but more just like this idea is dropping in is like oh this is a great idea I want to engage in this.

    But there's so many of them coming in once again that it's that I think also made it feel a little Whiplash you when we're listening to spirit being like okay fair wants us to do this and not want me to do this and I'm all over the place here you feel like that too exactly that's exactly how I feel,

    and that's I mean I think if you remember Amy when you and I first really started talking about business together I had these big plans for both Liberation society and I think I showed you my.

    Google the family yes and I had like 100 pages long probably it was so hot I also had like 10.

    Programs that I was definitely doing in 2021 like I was definitely do I kind I had the dates and I was organized and.

    [14:45] For those of you who are unfamiliar or I did one program in 2021 I did not cook up a lot of your time and energy and resources it was imagine if you had done even like three of those programs,

    no I couldn't have and that's that's my point like I couldn't have done them like it was it was physically impossible so yes I understand the downloads and the ideas and.

    You know it's hard to know what to put on the back burner and what to fly with it that's a hard decision to make.

    So far I'm glad for what I've done but yeah it was sometimes I feel like I have to have a snarky conversation with spirit being like

    all right dude like I only have capacity for the much to please like let's work within my capacity and I think that's actually a valid point that like you don't always have to.

    Just be like 100% receptive to everything that like Spirit drops down like we can have boundaries with Spirits like we have boundaries with ourselves and with our clients and was our friends and family so.

    Something to think about so like last year in 2022 where did you feel like you spent the majority of your time and energy in your business.

    [16:01] I think I've been practicing what you and I have talked about so much about really understanding my personal capacity and thinking about it,

    as 1 through 100 so if I had to break that down I would say about 30 percent of that I was teaching Pilates I still have a Pilates business I still teach Fitness two days a week,

    so I think that was probably thirty percent and then the rest was all breath Liberation Society.

    Um marketing physically talking to a camera in live sessions interviewing guests scheduling Gas building all of the,

    websites and sign up pages and connecting all of the things that have to happen in order for somebody to click two buttons and sign up for the training and then I also I

    did I ran a virtual Summit this year in October called breathe and black and that.

    [16:56] I started working on in July and I probably put in about 10 or 15 hours on it from July through the end of October so that was.

    I think

    I remember talking to you actually and you were like are you sure you want to do this is going to be a ton of work and I was kept I got it and then I was in there are a number of conversations a ton of work part it's so much work

    yeah it's like it's like I knew I was warned about this I was told that this is going to happen so yeah that's where my time went oh and then I also started

    offering the breath Liberation Society training as an independent study kind of more of like a one-on-one mentorship program and that's been a bit of quite a bit of my time probably like.

    [17:44] Hmm 45 hours a month yeah since September so yeah.

    I mean that training program I don't think people understand how much content you created for the biela I mean that's like.

    What did you say it's like almost 1,000 hours of like training and something wild I know that people do it over like six months it's not like they're doing it all at once but there's a lot of recorded material there's a lot of.

    Resources on that.

    Yeah and I did all of that and luckily I think in the beginning I started out asking people to sit for interviews and then I would just I would edit everything but then by the middle by the second year all of the people that I invited to join the second year of the training I

    interviewed them and then I also asked that they separately record their own lectures which was,

    giant difference in my time but it meant I didn't have to be there for both but yeah I think we're at probably about 90 hours of recorded material now in resources and I'm going to keep adding to that I actually.

    That's something that I'm changing about,

    myself in that I'm trying to honor a few of my personal boundaries a little bit more in 2023 and I know that's like coming up but I'm.

    I think I'm starting to understand my ability to be on the microphone my ability to.

    [19:09] Talk for long periods of time the way my brain works when I get tired and stressed out and I'm working.

    Towards avoiding a lot more of that like I can show up and be me

    but you know the like White Knuckles stage fright literally shaking while I'm trying to get through a lecture or something I know like the back of my hand I'm trying to trying to let that go a little bit now.

    Absolutely I mean I feel like you have learned so much through.

    Running these programs and I think that's one of the things that you do really well just as Reflection from me to you is like feel like there's some people out there who really feel like they need to.

    Know everything about how to run a program before they run the program at the take all the classes I have to talk to all the people who've done it before they have to like.

    Feel a certain level of competence and it before they go and do it

    and you you know what you're teaching like so you know the content there is no question about that but you didn't necessarily know how to use kajabi before you started using kajabi like things like that you're like okay I'm just going to Dive Right In and learn as I go and,

    and you have learned so much through that so just a reflection proud of you for that.

    Thank you know I learned a lot I keep trying to give myself a little bit of Grace and it's funny I was just talking to one of the.

    BLS graduates about this also is that I said you know we.

    [20:34] You have to think about like if you're just getting a master's degree in business right now right like just think of it that way you would have spent the last two years studying learning stuff,

    that's what you did you've been you spent the last night last two years studying learning I spent the last

    three or four years studying learning and now I have a lot of knowledge to show for it do I know everything know do I

    have like piles of money to roll around to show for it absolutely not but like I'm building something right like a night and I have learned all that stuff that's going to be super easy even yesterday I sat down to do some recordings and I.

    Was in my closet my master closet with like

    you know pillows and blankets true blanket fort yeah my blanket for it like 80 you know Pro podcaster would and I like plugged everything in and I opened the system that I was going to use to record what I was

    saying and I recognized that I had no idea how to use the system,

    so then I sat there on the floor in my blanket fort Googling youtubing figuring out just how to like run as like who does this like who actually just like

    walks into something and assumes I'll figure it out and then I mean I did it took me two hours but I figured it out and you know I got my things going but I just think that.

    [21:47] We're learning I'm learning a ton and I'm really learning mostly that I need to be very patient with myself.

    Because then I go to talk to somebody a good friend or something and they're like oh I can't even bigger that out and I'm like oh no text me I got it it took me a while but I got it you know and that's I guess that's entrepreneurship kind of at its core right like just,

    doing a bunch of stuff that you don't know how to do because you're all you've got,

    I mean most of the entrepreneurs I know and like business owners I know like didn't go to business school like we absolutely are figuring out as we go along so I'm with you there.

    I was thinking about how I spent most of my time and energy that's last year and gratefully luckily I would say that most of it was actually with my client,

    like almost as it should be I would say the majority of the time that I'm spending working is on Boxer like replying to clients in boxers like

    and for those of you that don't know boxers like a voice memo app so usually how I work with clients is that we just have unlimited access to each other through boxer so they'll send me a voice note any time they're going through something difficult like

    in the moment when the feelings and the urgency is present and then when I'm able to learn during the day or the next day I listen to it I respond to it.

    [23:05] And this is work really well for me because one of the things that was stressing me out.

    Not like stressing me out but that was kind of burning me out in years past was sitting in client calls all day long like literally spitting.

    In front of my computer for like four hours out of the day which like my body didn't like my brains and like and there's something different about like,

    being on video for a plant called versus even like being in person for an acupuncture treatment like there's something really exhausting about like.

    Being on video and seeing yourself and I don't know all of that stuff was just a lot for me and so.

    I don't really glad and grateful that I switched a lot of my coaching Tuvok there because now I can like be outside on a walk with the dog and like listening to people's boxes and sending them voice notes back and it,

    just as helpful and supportive for my clients have done so many messages from people being like Oh I love this this is so great because I don't have to wait two weeks into our next call to bring us up I can just like,

    foxy on it's ready so that's how I've spent most of my time and other than that a little bit in like content creation you know it making that podcast and.

    Writing newsletters and I wish I had more time for that and I wish that I was.

    [24:23] I wish I was faster at creating some that content but I'm not and I take the time that it takes and that's what it is.

    But what I haven't been spending a lot of time on which I was really excited about if I actually haven't been doing that much admin

    any more I realized that I've cut out a lot of the really admin heavy parts of my business like all of my invoicing is automated all of my scheduling is automated

    really the only thing that takes a lot of admin now is doing the transcript or.

    [24:56] Click the patreon Thousand for the podcast and for the most part I even automating that and what cat paying somebody else to do that so luckily

    haven't been doing the whole lot of admin so I'm pretty stoked about that Prophet about that sounds like entrepreneur like solo entrepreneur

    goals like completely goals we love that yeah and I'm so now I'm even at the plane over like okay how could I even get it like,

    even down further like what is the admin that I am building and how can I make that even go a little faster like recently I even realized that there was.

    Like when I do private breathwork events for people I find myself writing the same things over and over of like how to set up your fashion like the sort of what you need to know in advance like

    you know the medical disclaimers all that stuff and so I finally like put that all together in.

    A folder where it's like I can literally just copy and paste it every single time so now it takes me like two minutes instead of like 20 minutes time so little things like that.

    Can I ask a follow-up question in automating your admin stuff,

    and getting so much of that off of your plate what has that freed you up to do like what are you how are you spending your time good question.

    [26:16] I would say that I'm spending some of that time more with clients because even though I'm not

    in kind of a computer with my clients anymore I'm probably actually spending more time with my clients over the course of a month like whereas before if I met with somebody once or twice a month could be like one or two hours.

    A month there's definitely clients in this is like no shade to anybody any of my clients I love them all but there's some clients who send,

    you know 12 minute boxers and I'll reply with like a 12-minute boxer and that'll happen like several times a week or something where over the course of the month I'm probably spending,

    more time interacting with my clients and I would if I was on a video call but it feels,

    better in my body so it doesn't bother me because I'm not worried about like a specific time for money sort of equation but so that's what I would say and and like I said a lot of the time when I'm doing that client work I'm like.

    Folding laundry or I'm taking the dog for a walk or I'm cooking dinner like you know listening to their boxes at the same time so it's not a big deal for me so yeah.

    [27:29] What's the next thing I was going to ask you oh.

    What is what would you say is the biggest lesson that you learned this last year.

    [27:41] Okay so the biggest lesson I learned last year is.

    To separate myself like my physical body my my.

    [27:52] Who I am as a person from my business and.

    [27:58] What I mean by that what is that mean yeah yeah so what I mean by that is that I had a really eye-opening 2022.

    And at moments there are worries I was worried but I that like breath Liberation Society BLS would maybe not be a viable business it's a new business.

    That happens but I started to realize that I was like making decisions as if my actual life was at stake.

    And I know that sounds dramatic but I I really was it was like I'm going to lose Ike I think I was using the word like everything like everything is this everything is that and I had to really.

    Walk myself back I was like hold on.

    My health is fine my relationship is fine my good friends are great like I'm everything is not on the table here this is a business and you know I think it was really hard for me too,

    separate that out in my brain because it's something that I channeled that I built from scratch.

    By Brick you know like literally just like funneling money from my like Pilates Savings business you know every client our like you know paid for an hour that I've been invested in to be LS like it was,

    it was a very very heartfelt but also a very.

    [29:14] Long process for me to build it so I think in total no like it was your baby in a lot of ways that's the word personal,

    that and I had to really separate that I was like okay this is a business I am chauna those are two things and I think the second I did that it gave me so much freedom and I was really able to see things a lot clearer

    so that was my biggest lesson to just separate me and my well-being from the well-being of my business.

    [29:39] I mean that's huge and I think it's something that a lot of solo business owners specifically deal with because so often our.

    [29:49] Businesses and our lives are intertwined like our businesses are our names,

    a lot of the time I mean even your website is like John O'Brien's all come on my website is a me kuretsky.com like there's a real intermingling between who we are as people and what we do that,

    can both live there in that enmeshment but also we have to like internally know where the separation is so make sure that yeah.

    Yeah I had a really weird lesson comes to this year and I don't remember if I talked to you about this yet or not I probably did but.

    I tell you that I had this huge realization that I am actually not meant to be selling in like a professional.

    I had this realization when I was on a walk and talk with my dear friend and one of my other business music Nicole Antoinette and we were talking about marketing and selling and.

    Smells like I'm terrible at selling or I'm not even terrible at it like I know how to do it,

    I know the building block like I know the steps we take I can do all the things but.

    When it comes down to actually selling things like if I have something that I create and then I saw it in the very traditional way of like

    sending an email to my newsletter list or sending several emails or like doing the whole sales funnel,

    thing or a launch or any of those more traditional sales model.

    [31:19] It's like fucking cricket and I can say that now with a laugh because,

    I do find it humorous now but in the moment but it happens it feels kind of devastating it's like what the fuck am I doing wrong.

    And the best example of this is like there were a couple different moments this year.

    [31:43] I was doing the most fun thing I've ever done in my business and made the most money I had ever made in like three day period in my business at the exact same time

    that I was completely and utterly failing at a traditional launch like those two things are happening in this same like.

    Toward a time period And I was like okay so.

    Yeah I will go so basically my lesson is that like I'm not supposed to sell in the traditional sense and that I tend to make the most money and have the most fun when I actually just like make space for opportunities to come to me.

    [32:24] But me yeah sounds like you had such a literal like a numbers comparison right in your face to see the Colossal beard

    yeah and for those of you listening I will go you'll hear more about,

    failed launch soon I'm all about talking about failed launches publicly I think more people need to talk about failed launches publicly but that's how I've different episode on a different day we agree with that and like failed launches and how people need.

    The more regularly,

    as somebody who's like launched I'm using air quotes y'all I know you can't see it as someone who's launch several things over the course of the years yeah it's brutal it's so hard,

    and then you know I've sat through even recently a couple different.

    [33:10] Programs and you know like raw go online business Creator Summits where they're just like I launched my business and now I'm a millionaire and you can do it too and it's all it's such like ahead.

    It's like okay well I wrote the email you know look I did it I was passionate and and it's smooth its yet.

    Those are Rough Waters I didn't I'm probably still going to have to like.

    [33:35] Cell in a more traditional way but I do plan on changing a lot of hopefully what I have had to do in the past this year and I'm really excited about that.

    I look forward to seeing how you kind of like reinvent that for you and the way that works for your business.

    So in that vein in that for the theme,

    what is something that you are going to be stuck taking a step back from over the next year and what something that you're maybe going to engage more with.

    So I hinted to this and the beginning and we were talking about me being a milder I think and we will see.

    [34:11] How this goes but I'm really going to try very hard.

    And it's now cemented in the inter waves here I'm going to try very hard to not launch any new programs I'm going to try very hard to just like build and nourish what I have

    and this is on the word new so no new thing correct no no I can probably be building in your leg,

    you know existing programs you'll be you know like the sort of building we're like we're going to patch up this you know brickwork over here and like we do the windows,

    yeah yeah we're going to keep that house analogy going like I know what the BLS training like I learned that I need to like redo the foundation you know,

    that I need to redo some of maybe the like you know the walkway that people enter on like I have a bunch of different things that I like to change up that I think are going to make.

    They're going to help get people more realistic expectations for me give me more relaxed real realistic expectations of them so yeah I'm not going to create any new products this year in 2023.

    Okay you know that by saying that's here I'm going to hold you to the

    we are like a second you tell me you're like I have this idea I'm gonna like a sauna just play it back to me I will

    I don't know what I want to engage with more I've been doing I'm finishing a.

    [35:41] A new Fitness training because why not add something else but it's something that I really loved called the gyro tonic method and I'm.

    I think I want to engage more with that somehow,

    and I'm going to do it without creating a new product or program but I do love it and I think that it'll be a fun thing for me too it's the perfect combination of,

    of Internet energy and movement work I think in a really gentle very accessible format so.

    Yeah don't have an in-person kind of like Fitness business for all y'all living in the Washington DC area nope just kidding sauna is shaking her head at me yeah I'm not in that in person I'm still virtual

    and so we're still doing all right I'm still 100% virtual I am compared to its throwing you off because I've had to go and do that training in person

    now I am still 100% virtual I.

    So I'll rephrase any of you anywhere in the world who want to do more Pilates or Gyro tonic for that for those more Fitness saying.

    [36:47] Yeah let me know well.

    [36:55] Oh yeah I have to answer that question do you okay well so in the vein of what we were just saying before I am letting go of selling and this is.

    [37:03] I don't know how extreme I'm going to get with us because like I could go as extreme of like literally not publicly selling and in.

    Anything over the course of the year and only doing,

    private invitation like last year some of the things all of the things let me rephrase every single thing that made me.

    My income last year came from people either reaching out to me.

    We are hiring me for a private group or reaching out to wanting to coaching together or hiring me to you know fly me out somewhere and and facilitate at a retreat like all those things people came to me,

    and the things were I really externally stared.

    With people being like thank you for staying by it got me like very little money and so I could go all the way on the extreme and like literally not.

    [38:00] Visibly or externally style at all or maybe I just like won't do launches but I'll still you know,

    throw things into my newsletter list here and there being like hey I'm you know ready to take on a couple of new coaching clients or something we'll see that's TBD but I'm definitely taking a step back from

    engaging with selling in a more traditional way because it doesn't work for me,

    and on the flip side of that thing that I do want to engage in more because I feel like what has brought me the most

    client or opportunities or money has been networking and not in lengths of traditional and go to networking events things

    it's more like when people have reached out to me like hey will you you know are you free on this day I want to hire you for this.

    I've never met this person before usually they're like oh so and so.

    Recommended you or I heard about you on this podcast so this about if you believe that sort of.

    [38:58] Networking so it's really the sort of networking where I'm just like you know continuing having awesome.

    Real in person and concrete relationships with people.

    And like having having relationships or people trust me so that they recommend me so yeah that's what I'm gonna do.

    [39:23] Okay and let's talk about goal setting for a minute are you go father.

    I am a used to be a much like a much more driven goal Setter I've toned it back a tiny bit I think that,

    I mean I literally would just sit down and like write down my goals and like do like health wealth and like personal and like I'm this and that and I think

    I'm trying to be kinder to myself about goals going forward because,

    even sitting here thinking about what my goals were for 2020 to recognizing the ones that did not happen.

    Um like I have there some like Barry high-level ones that just didn't happen and I'm so glad they did it.

    Um that I think I'm kind of on that like you know we plan in the universe laughs type of thing I think goals are important I think it's super,

    I mean I'm a driven person like I'm that's just who I am I'm not gonna be able to disarm that with breathwork and glitter you know it's just who I am so it's fine so I do think I'm going to write down some goals but I think.

    [40:37] I've been you know I always had a mentor that once told me you know to always write down after any wish or any goal you know this or something better,

    and I really like 10 magical sort of like basa yeah well it's the idea that you don't want to limit your

    possibilities to what your mind and your humanness think are possible if you've never limit the universe that could be bigger and better than you could have ever dreamed and I believe deeply in that so I think

    I don't know I'm trying to decide if I'm even I definitely have to write something down about what I would like to happen in 20 22 23 but I haven't started yet which is a big deal for me and yeah I don't know I yeah that's what I'll say about goals.

    [41:18] Yeah for me it's like I agree with you where.

    [41:23] I kind of you know once again that like Capricorn part of me really comes out and wants that like structure and that real definitive sort of goal setting but then the.

    You know,

    North Node Camp learning come yes I am both a Capricorn rising and a Capricorn South node which for those of you into astrology it means that my brain is like kind of freaking out all the time but.

    That more like intuitive or emotional part of me that is moving forward in the world.

    Really my bowels again cuz idea about goal setting and just like you there are certain goals that I had that didn't come to fruition and think logging goddess they didn't like I would have been.

    Totally down for the count otherwise and so don't have been thinking of this idea about.

    [42:15] Are you familiar with that idea of the I'm gonna mess up I'll probably put like the the circle of control versus a circle of influence.

    Yeah I wrote a newsletter about this a million years ago but if this idea is that there are certain things that like.

    You can have full and complete control over we can have control over our thoughts,

    and our actions and that's about it everything else we can just like influence and then there's things outside of that were like we really have no influence whatsoever.

    So I'm really trying to think about only having goals that are within my,

    circle of control so things like I'm going to set a goal to journal at least once a week because I rarely make time for it but it's something that I actually really like doing and so.

    You know even like having the accountability of like you and a couple of the other people that I you know do writing club with every Tuesday like okay what if I just did journaling every time that we sat down together on a Tuesday so I don't know goals like that or what I'm thinking about now.

    I love that I love that idea things that we can can I mean so.

    This is a longer story but I'm definitely someone who's trying to.

    [43:31] He's away from my desire to control.

    Everything that's something we're working on in therapy.

    And like even when you realize I was like yes I'm gonna like micromanage at the things I can control like that's what was like happening in my head I was like finally things I can focus on that are fully in my control and I was like okay

    stop this like mini celebration that there's maybe a circle of things that you can claim control over it.

    Back away from the seaward chauna.

    [44:10] Good idea bad idea thank you for sharing yeah well I just think about these sort of

    numb like the sort of goals that we will sometimes that for ourselves in business that are really like numbers,

    related like tangible things like financial goals we're late we don't actually have that much control over.

    [44:33] How many people are going to buy from us and yes there's like you know the sort of thing where maybe you're close to the end of the month and year

    X number of dollars short of your monthly Financial goal and so then you hustle it out to I don't know like do a sale or create a new special or something like that like sure there's some amount of control that you can have over that but that just.

    I feel so out of alignment with my body and my values and I'm just.

    I'm just not willing to do those sort of things in service of an arbitrary goal so I'm just not willing to do it anymore.

    [45:11] So that's my thought about gold yeah I'm over here nodding,

    yeah so instead of thinking about 20-23 in terms of goals like.

    [45:22] I don't know I love the idea of kind of redefining what success means for us to like how would you like what would a successful 20:23 look like for you.

    [45:34] A successful 2023 looks like you and I having this conversation a year from now and I'm well rested I.

    [45:45] Evil to lead groups in November and December because I.

    [45:52] Well I say two year like for two years in a row I just canceled everything I scheduled so this year a student schedule anything but I think it would be really fun for me to just be like oh I feel so you know nourished and

    amazing that I could just like

    do I have winter solstice group I want to or something yeah but not be like on a roller coaster where like there's like these highs and lows and highs and lows and feel just a little bit more like sturdy.

    I'm really looking forward to not only stability but also a lot of he's like I really want I'm trying to give myself like.

    Rather than setting every deadline that I set for myself I've been just adding like 3 weeks do it

    because I mean I'm self-employed yeah I make my own deadline so I can just change them I'm like okay I could push and do it by this date but instead like is just as a rule now I just write down an extra two weeks and that's

    a big deal for me yeah that's what it looks like it means for me I think I yeah maybe.

    [46:50] I think maybe I'll be married by then but I doubt it doesn't he left saying like she is engaged for like the wedding will happen at some point even gauges it's like 2019 so.

    Or did you not long it's been um-hmm 20:21 since since 20 21,

    which neither of us are in a rush that's it's like just a joke I was like what it was like what will I be doing I won't be married by then,

    yeah wedding somewhere warm and plums but I can come and have a vacation and like celebrate the two of you getting married

    totally we're definitely warming fun people like we're never liked the idea of like a cute Whistler thing you know somewhere in a snow thing that you live in is never going to happen,

    what even my friends that live where like you and Molly and like oh,

    I'll see you when summer like all I'd love to come out in August you know look at the antidote alert.

    I love this idea of he's though because that was part of what I envisioned for a successful 20:23 as well liked.

    [47:51] I have this idea we're like my I don't do a lot of go like ideal day sort of visualization but in a much more broad Sons my ideal days do include an officiousness that I like.

    [48:05] Get to go for really long dog walks every single morning because those are the sort of things that make my spirit happy and like make my brain happy and I love to have the spaciousness

    to close my laptop I like 4:00 p.m. every day and not be working so many nights which,

    I know you and I both end up having to do a lot because it's just kind of part of the game of facilitation work that when we're leading groups often times that happens in the evening and I don't mind working in the evenings but I don't necessarily want to work,

    many many many evenings so being able to close that laptop at 4 p.m. and also like a successful 2023 is going to be like

    continuing to work with clients but I just totally adore and feel excited and energized by and to do that without fouling so we'll see we'll see if I can

    you know be.

    Financially solvent without selling a lot last year next year that'll be that would be a huge success if I reach that goal.

    [49:11] Yeah so be it so be it so be it I'm certainly on that train and I feel like even since last year when we were working together I was like I will never do this again I will never do this again I will never do another launch again like it was just,

    I found it to be really hard I know some people.

    Like it's hard and I got through it and I just I was like hard damaging and I like was like not better for having done it so I think I'm with you on that like I again I have to tell people about my art but I'm offering but I'm I'm really excited to.

    [49:42] Set more realistic goals and with a guess I guess more realistic.

    I'm going to use the word goals more realistic gold and and really honor my capacity.

    To meet animals and in do it like exploring thing yeah.

    Like you don't have to do it the way you did it before now that's the whole point of building that's the beautiful thing about building you get to.

    Go up up up and get further off the ground level so the next time you step back up there you're a foot off the ground you're no longer on the bottom you know and that's that's the whole Glory of it that's the that is the point of Sweat Equity.

    [50:24] Love it well I wish that for you as well sauna and I maybe we will do that maybe we'll get on this Bay and we call a year from now and

    ask ourselves these same five questions any level I just invited myself back already yeah we use all the time anytime you are welcome

    thanks for being on here today I love and adore you same to you friend and yeah cheers to everyone and their 2023.

    Yeah bye all.

    [50:55] Thanks so much for listening today if you liked this episode or even if it just got you to think about your business a little bit differently I'd love for you to subscribe to the show and share it with a business bestie or a few of them.

    And if you're interested in giving yourself a bit more permission to get messy in your own business.

    Head on over to the show notes to download my free coaching module on embracing the mess,

    in it I share my thoughts invite you to write and reflect and offer some actions you can take to start embracing and loving the Messier parts of yourself and your business.

    [51:33] Breathe into business is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Dakota and anishinabe peoples.

    It's created by me Amy kuretsky with the production help from softer sounds Studios thanks again for listening and breathing into your business with me today.


Learn to move alongside your fear


Following narrative threads with Finn Schubert from The Menstruant