Getting unstuck in your business using tarot

Does it ever feel like you’re getting mixed signals from your intuition when you’re making plans in your business? If your answer is yes you’re definitely not alone.

In this episode Amy dives into her own experience of this happening and her tried and true tool she uses to move through it.

In this episode she dives into:

  • How Amy works with the Three of Pentacles tarot card in her business

  • How “parts work” might show up when we’re exploring our businesses needs

  • Amy’s favorite tarot spread to use when we need some external information to help us make decisions in our business

  • A live tarot reading using the spread mentioned above!

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  • [0:04] Welcome to Breathe Into Business, a podcast for folks who want to hear what it's really like, to run an intuitive-led business. I'm your host, Amy Koretsky, a breathwork facilitator who helps, service providers, course creators, and artists tap into their own inner knowing so that they can run, businesses from a place of trust and self-confidence. I created this podcast to.

    Help folks like you who are disillusioned with the overculture of online small business building, to permission yourself to follow a different path. In these episodes, you'll hear conversations that, are direct, messy, and even a little bit scary at times. My biggest hope is that each of these, episodes helps you feel even 10% more confident in leaning into what your intuition is sharing, with you and doing business your own way. Now, let's take a breath and talk business.

    Hey there, welcome everyone. This is Amy and you're listening to Breathe into Business, a podcast for business owners that want to run more intuitive led businesses, which is what we're going to do today. We're going to talk about intuition and tarot and bringing it all into our business. But before we get started, maybe let's just take a nice deep, breath ourselves and let that breath kind of open things up for us. So let your shoulders roll back.

    [1:33] Let your feet feel planted on the ground if you're sitting or standing. Just take a nice, deep breath in through the nose, letting it fill up those lungs and sighing it out.

    Okay, I might need to take one or two more of those today as we do this episode because in today's episode, I'm going to be sharing maybe a little bit more intimately than I sometimes do, although you all know that I'm kind of an open book, so I share pretty intimately a lot of the time. But you're going to get a real kind of peek behind the curtain today as I share with you a tarot spread that I use pretty often in my own business.

    And then I pulled some cards this morning and I'm gonna share with you what I pulled for myself and how I'm interpreting that for my own business.

    And my hope is that you can be inspired by this spread and pull some cards for yourself and your business and see where it takes you.

    [2:44] Okay, so in today's episode, I'm gonna talk about how to move forward in your business when we're feeling stuck because time and time again, when I'm talking to clients, when I'm talking to myself, when I'm talking to basically all of my friends who are business owners, feeling stuck, is one of the most relatable and common struggles that we all seem to feel as business owners at, some point or another. And that sensation of stickiness, that sensation and feeling like we, aren't able to actually take a step forward in the direction that we want to go, you know, I've found that it tends to be because it almost feels like there's negotiating parts, inside of us or inside of our businesses where they have different needs, different wants, or different agendas. And to give you an example, I would be maybe laying down in breathwork, I'd be breathing, I'd be feeling, and I get a lot of messages when I do breathwork.

    [3:59] Moving through emotion is something that I definitely do during breathwork and it brings me a lot of comfort and relief in breathwork. But the thing that comes up most frequently for me in my experience with the breath is connecting to my intuition, getting messages, getting downloads.

    [4:20] And I get a lot of messages when I do breathwork. And sometimes they don't always feel like they're coming from the same source. There's a lot of different words or phrases that we might use when we are describing the voice or the messages that come through our intuition. We might use the word, intuition. We might say something like, I'm receiving messages from my guides. We might use the phrase inner voice or higher self. Maybe the messages that are coming through are from departed loved ones or energies that never lived on this plane of existence in the first place.

    [5:05] And as I was receiving some of these messages, and some of them felt congruent and really aligned together, and sometimes I would get messages that felt like they were coming from, totally different places with totally different agendas or needs.

    And I started thinking about this a little bit more and I started liking it to like the idea of parts work.

    So if you're familiar with the style of therapy called internal family systems, you know, it's this idea that while we ourselves, our whole human beings, we all have individualized parts that live within us and maybe have different needs, wants, or agendas.

    [5:53] You can think of parts work even as a more simplistic way of thinking about our inner child or inner mentor.

    I know there's a lot of us that do inner child work, inner mentor work, and that's a really common way, of thinking about parts of ourselves that are both separate from each other, but still are a unified whole within us.

    So they still like originate within ourselves as whole human beings, but in comparison to each other, they are very different parts.

    My inner child has a very different messages that they send me than my inner mentor, wildly different.

    And maybe it's because it's coming from different parts of my brain, maybe it's coming from messages beyond my realm of imagination.

    I don't know, but I can both honor them as being equally important, equally valid, wanting to listen to them wholly and fully.

    And yet knowing that they are separate from each other.

    [7:01] So, you know, this idea kind of informed this then like kind of theory or philosophy that I have come up with, which really sees the parts of our business, as the three of pentacles.

    I was pulling the tarot card, the three of pentacles, a lot in the last year.

    And while in maybe more traditional styles of reading that card, you could think of it as.

    [7:31] You know, communal or collective work, collaboration, but this idea of creating something larger with others then we would be able to create alone by ourselves.

    And that's a beautiful way to look at that card. It's a really traditional way of looking at that card. I've looked at that card a lot myself in that way and in my readings over the decades of reading. But recently when I was pulling that card, I was really seeing it as this Venn diagram.

    Of my own business, all the different parts of the parts work in my business. And the way I was was seeing it was that there was the part of my business that was me as like a human being with, an ego and a prefrontal cortex and a lizard brain that is a bit more emotional and like me as a human being. And then there's the part of my business that feels really connected to spirit and is maybe less me as a person with a brain.

    And maybe it's like my highest self, my inner voice, my guides, spirit, whatever word you feel most resonant with you could place right there.

    But it's the part of my business that is spirit led, that is guided by intuition.

    [8:53] And then the third part is like the business as its own energetic entity, which for some of you, like that might feel a little weird to think about.

    I've had a little bit of pushback from people before, before I kind of explained to them this idea of parts work because they would say to me, well, my business and I are connected.

    We are one, we are part of the same thing. And I'd be like, okay, yes.

    And you can both originate from the same place, be a whole unit together and yet have slightly different desires, needs, and agendas.

    [9:30] So those are the three parts I see myself as a human being and what I want kind of in the business, you know, spirit or more guided parts of my business from like beyond the realm of thought.

    And then the business itself as an energetic being. And this maybe will even make a little bit more sense for some of you who have larger businesses where your business doesn't just entail you. Maybe you have a co-business owner or you have employees or your business really reaches out, in a different way where you have a large community and like the energy of your business kind of, encapsulates the energy of your community as well. So that is one way of looking at that part of the the business as well.

    And so when I'm looking at the Three of Pentacles card, I was seeing it almost like a Venn diagram.

    I love bringing some science in every once in a while. So I was seeing it like a Venn diagram, where there's these three circles.

    There's me as an individual, my brain, all those things that are part of the business.

    There's spirit and how spirit leads the way in my business.

    And then there's the energy of the business itself as the third circle.

    [10:55] And then of course, there's that magical little place in the middle of the Venn diagram, where all three of those circles overlap.

    And that's that magic middle space where it bridges the wants, the needs, the desires, the agendas of all the different parts where they can come together.

    [11:17] Where they can be acknowledged, where they can be held, where we can find common ground.

    [11:23] And so I came up with this tarot spread that is basically what I just explained to you.

    I pull four cards. I pull a card for what I want maybe right now in my business. I pull a card for what Spirit wants right now in my business. And I pull a card for what my business wants for itself.

    And then I pull another card where like, what's the bridge? What's the middle ground?

    Where's that magic space where all parts can be held together?

    [11:56] So that's the spread. I've got a photo of it in the show notes.

    So you'll be able to see it there, hopefully if that works technology wise, but I call it the magic in the middle tarot spread.

    Once again, the four questions I ask are, What do I want in my business right now?

    What does spirit want in my business right now? What does my business itself want right now?

    And then what is the magic middle in the overlap?

    [12:25] So this morning, just right now, before I pressed play on this recording, I pulled those cards for myself, because as you all know, if you've been listening to this podcast for the last couple of months, There has been a big upheaval in my life with my health.

    There's been some planned changes in my business at the clinic.

    There's been some unplanned changes.

    So there's a lot of.

    [12:52] I'd almost use the word tumult for right now for me. It's at least how it feels inside my body.

    [13:00] And so I wanted to get a little bit of clarity and I knew I wanted to share this spread with all of you.

    And so I figured what better way to do that than to pull these cards for myself, and to let you know what I got and kind of share with you how I use this spread in my own business.

    [13:18] So here we go. Today, the cards I pulled, I'll start with the first one.

    What do I want in my business right now?

    I pulled the seven of pentacles, which I was not surprised about when I pulled it because I have been pulling that card continuously since about the fall equinox.

    So here we are a little bit past almost to the spring equinox.

    It's almost been this like six month cycle. And I've really been in this energy of the 7 of Pentacles. And I've been really thinking about this card in terms, you know, oftentimes we think about it about patience or like letting things take the time that they're going to take. And that is very much the energy that I've been in. I've been intentionally and, with my prefrontal cortex very intentionally and almost strategically thinking about how I, understand that change takes time to evolve naturally and sustainably. And I don't want to rush things. And I'm not trying to force anything to change that is not ready to change.

    And I've been really trying to create more space for the change that wants to be there to arrive on its own time.

    [14:43] And so, you know, I want to let things take the time that they're going to take.

    I want to slow down. I want to plant seeds without any sort of urgency for them to bloom.

    I was also pulling this card a lot. I think I maybe mentioned this on a previous podcast episode, where I saw this card as like almost a networking card as well, where I really wanted to envision and all of these pentacles that are not quite ready to be plucked off the plant yet as these, relationships that I'm building and that take time and that eventually they will bring me beautiful abundance and support in different ways, but I don't necessarily know when or how that will look. And I am trusting that if I water them and I prune them and I pay attention to them and I them lots of love and attention that they will then support me down the line. I want to trust that.

    [15:43] These are going to give me the sustenance, maybe financially, but also energetically, at exactly the time that they're supposed to. And here's the thing, I have actually only just started creating the space that I know has needed to be there for a while in my business and in my life. It's only been a couple of months, like not even because at the time of recording this, it's really only been like a month or two. And so I've only just started this process.

    And my lizard breed doesn't totally feel safe with having that much space and like wants to fill it up right away. But I also know my prefrontal cortex knows that I really just need to let that space be there for a bit. So that's what I want in my business right now. I want things to to work on the timeline of nature and to really trust that process and not feel a sense of urgency.

    [16:46] Okay, and then the second card I pulled, what does spirit want for my business right now?

    [16:52] And I pulled Temperance, which is like one of my all-time favorite cards in the tarot deck.

    [16:58] I always see this card as just reminding me that, you know, my guides are here, my angels are here, whether or not you believe in those sorts of beings, you know, fill that word with something, that feels a little bit magical for you. Something, you know, that serendipity that happens when like.

    [17:21] The song that you just needed to hear shows up on the radio at exactly the right time and you can like feel, you know, your loved one who has passed beyond this realm like sitting in the car with you.

    It's like that sort of energy. And the way I really saw it in this position and this spread is that spirit just wants to be more involved in the process, I really find that I'm a realist. Let's be real, I'm a realist. And my brain can often get stuck in realistic thinking or impossible thinking, in not necessarily believing in the magic or the possibility or the serendipity that, can be there. And there's a part of me that is like so truly believing in magic, so truly believing in serendipity, so truly believing in that I am being held and supported by energies larger than me. And yet, my really practical, really realistic brain, my Capricorn rising, still kind of gets a little like, oh, but that's not actually going to happen.

    [18:36] And so, you know, spirit, I think what spirit wants for my business by showing me this card is a reminder for me to get out of the way a little bit so that they can show up and really prove to me that nothing is truly impossible fire and water can mix water can flow backwards.

    Angels are real. I am not doing this all alone. These are the things that spirit is trying to tell me right now.

    [19:05] So that's my second card. And then the third one, what does my business want for itself right now?

    And I pulled justice.

    And in this version of the tarot, I'm using the modern witch tarot deck.

    For those of you who are curious, I really love it because it both holds the kind of more traditional visuals of Pamela Coleman Smith's art, which I feel really connected to.

    And yet it modernizes them a little bit. It feels a bit more inclusive.

    I really like this deck a lot.

    [19:41] Anyway, in this version of justice, similar to the original, it is a very stoic looking figure.

    They are sitting very upright. Their spine is very straight. It is very rigid. And I think about this card as wanting to be much more clear. You think of the sword pointing upwards. We want truth, we want clarity, we want to know with a capital K. And so I think that my business wants more structure, it wants more clarity, it wants to feel more balanced. Justice holds those scales, it wants to not have anything tipping too far to the left or too far to the right, which I kind of also see as my business just wants to feel a little bit more in control.

    It wants to understand what is going into it and what is going out of it, to know what it is offering and who it offers it to.

    [20:40] I will say that there has been a lot of change in my business lately.

    And you all know that I love change. I welcome change. I love giving people permission to change, giving myself permission to change.

    And yet there has actually been so much change lately that I feel a little bit whiplashed.

    I feel like I'm on some wavy waters. There's a little bit of rocky ground.

    And I'm guessing that my business does too.

    And this card is just telling me that it wants to be able to like be on solid ground, to sit straight up right and feel really confident in the ways that it works.

    Like knowing which way is left, which way is right.

    [21:21] It wants to know what's going on. You know, I don't blame it for feeling that way.

    I will even be the first to acknowledge that right now, my website is kind of a shit show in the sense that like, what is on there isn't necessarily like a great representation of the offerings that I have to work with people right now. I'll be the first to admit that. Although hopefully by the time you are listening to this, it will be different and it will be much more clear, but I'm not going to promise anything at this moment. So that's my third card. And then lastly, you know, what's that middle ground? What's that magic middle? Where's the bridge? How can everything be held and acknowledged all at once. And I got the Page of Cups, which I thought was really beautiful because the way that I pull these cards, the Page of Cups is right below the Temperance.

    So we've got these two cards that are really watery. They're very fluid across from these two cards that are a bit more solid with the Pentacles and Justice. So it feels really lovely just like visually looking at it in this way as well. And the really strong message that came through when I pulled this card was to make space for listening.

    [22:42] What I wrote down was, the answers I seek, the answers my business seeks, and the answers that Spirit wants to provide for me are there if I'm willing to slow down, soften my gaze, and listen.

    In the most unlikely of places. So that's what I pulled. And so that is my reading for myself.

    The way that I'm gonna work with these cards is that I'm going to take my notes, put them in my journal. I'm gonna be able to come back to this at any point if I want, but I'm really gonna work with the page of cups. I'm gonna work with this idea of listening, of softening, of listening in the most unlikely of places. I really liked that phrase when it came through my fingers when I was typing it. And that is part of my intention with creating more space. The.

    [23:41] Space that I want to create, the pace that I want to create through that seven of pentacles is one that allows for more listening. So while it doesn't necessarily give me any concrete answers, just like tarot often doesn't, it really offered me the support, both emotionally but also practically, that I needed in this moment to kind of know how to move through that stuckness, to move out of stagnation, and to start moving forward. So if you also have been feeling a little bit stuck.

    [24:24] Feeling like a little bit stagnant. Maybe it's time to sit down, light a candle, do a little wrath work, pull out your tarot cards, and do this spread as well. And if you do and if it brings up some big things for you, I would love to hear about them. You can send me a voice note through, pipe speak that you can find the link to that over on the podcast page slash podcast or if you post a picture of your cards on instagram feel free to tag me i've been dipping my toe back in the instagram waters i'm at at amy karetsky and thank you so much for being here with me today i really honor each and every one of you who is listening i appreciate you thank you.

    [25:15] Thank you, and I will be back in a couple of weeks.


    [25:20] Thanks so much for listening today. If you liked this episode, or even if it just got you to think about your business a little bit differently, I'd love for you to subscribe, to the show and share it with a business bestie or a few of them. And if you're interested in breathing more into your own business, I made something just for you. It's a five-day, breathwork challenge for business owners. Over five days, you'll learn how to use, your breath to find deeper clarity and trust in yourself and in your business.

    You can find it at slash breathe.

    [25:59] Breathe Into Business is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Dakota and Anishinaabe peoples.

    It is created by me, Amy Koretsky, with the production help from Softer Sounds Studios.

    Thanks again for listening and breathing into your business.

    [26:12] Music.


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